Osteopathic massage
The osteopathic massage is a concept which is addressing the superior systems of the body first. This means that first your involuntary nervous system will get balanced for high relaxation and direct the blood to the organs, which improves those functions. Following the facias of the Organs get released to ensure organs are free to work to produce the right nutrients for the body and to help your body recover faster. That treatment starts, supine (lying on your back), with the jaw muscles goes down to neck and chest, further through the organs and then the feet. It continues with a deep tissue massage, from top to the bottom, lying on your stomach.
"When you have adjusted the physical to its normal demands nature supplies the remainder."
Deep tissue massage
This is a deep back and leg massage that uses deep fascia techniques to break up fascial adhesions and tensions. This releases the muscles and restores the ability of the tissue layers to slide. This straightens your posture and allows your body to work efficiently again.
"Fascia is the body memory."
Lymphatic massage/drainage
The lymphatic drainage relieves swellings that happens when medical treatments or illnesses blocks your lymphatic system. Lymphatic drainage uses manual techniques to transport the lymphatic liquid to another area with working vessels. This form of treatment has a tremendous impact on the immune system. When the lymphatic fluid flows through your nodes, the fluid gets filtered and cleanse to detoxify your body.
"The lymphatic system is a forgotten hero"
Learn to massage like a pro
Do you want to do something nice for your partner after a long day, or support athletes with muscle relaxing techniques? This is your opportunity to take a “massage course for amateurs” and learn massage skills.
Learn the right massage techniques to relieve the tension of muscles and fascia. Practice relaxing another person in seconds. Perhaps, one day you’ll turn your hobby into a job.
And no worries, previous massage experience is not necessary.
"Do good, feel good!"